Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Do You Know Any Connections btwn Her and the "Lust.Caution"?

Do you know any connections btwn her and the "Lust.Caution"? A hint: she lived in the building of this picture in Shanghai till 1952, then moved to Hong Kong, then moved to the U.S. a couple of years later. Later she died alone in an apartment building of CA, at 75 in 1995. A few months later, an employee in the building found the incident. She briefly married twice. Very short. Most of the time, she lived alone, had no children. I consider the Uncle Sam was supposed to be responsible for her living alone, living poor, and dying alone/poorly. Why? Supposed she came to the U.S with whole heart of "American Dreams" at the young age, due to America's propaganda of the capitalism - beautiful, tall, slender, talented, well-educated with good command of British English, rich in the beginning by carrying her money bag from mainland China. A proud girl, a Shanghainese and, a poor princess!